OR2018 Poster Submission 13th International Open Repositories Conference June 4th-7th, Bozeman, Montana, USA For authors: remove text in **text** and replace with your own content. #Title of Proposal #Author **1 name, affiliation, email address; Author 2 name, affiliation, email address** #Session Type Poster #Abstract **Summary of your proposal; maximum 200 words. The abstract should be a concise summary of the background, problem, approach and conclusions of the work described. You can copy and paste this into the submission system at the time of submission.** #Conference Themes Select the conference theme(s) your proposal best addresses (remove the others): * Open source software - sustainability of software developed locally and large open source systems, legacy code * Community - reaching out to new audiences, developing a community, governance * Content - research data, digital preservation, persistent urls, archiving * Teams/People - staff and knowledge within the community, contingency planning, training and development, and succession planning * Projects - sustainability of projects beyond the grant, maturing communities * Infrastructure/Integrations - integrations between systems, changing technical environments * Policy - national, international, local and community policy and decisions * Challenges of sustainability - funding, local, technical, community * Rights and Copyright - including Data Protection, sharing and storing of content * Reuse, standards, and reproducibility - for example: software, data, content types * New open technologies and standards #Keywords List 3-4 key terms or phrases that describe the subject of the proposal. #Audience **Tell us in a sentence or two who is the likely audience for this. Some examples might be repository managers, developers, data producers, librarians, etc.** #Background **How does your submission address the conference themes or the overarching topic of open repositories?** #Presentation content * Tell us what you will (and won't) cover in the poster. Why will your poster be of interest to the intended audience? Your proposal should be in English and no longer than two pages - excessively long submissions place undue burden on the reviewers. * Explain how a visual presentation will help you to convey key points. * All accepted posters are expected to provide 1 slide to be presented in a one minute teaser session. #Conclusion **Summarize the take-home message from the poster. What are the main points? It would be great if this were a part of the conversation around the conference theme.** #References This is not compulsory but may help. Use any clear unambiguous reference style you like.